Monday, December 10, 2012

Bye Bye Buttercup

Buttercup was missing when I checked in on the animals Saturday evening.  We took our flashlights and checked everywhere, but it was too dark to be thorough.  Hopefully she was up in a tree somewhere, or hiding with a nest of eggs.  But Sunday morning I climbed up into the hay loft to get a better look of the upper pastures, and there she was.  Tay thinks it was a hawk because she was out in the middle of the pasture, in plain view.  He said a coyote would have dragged her into the safety of the trees or bushes.  We buried her underneath the tree next to the baby chicks that didn't make it last spring.  Poor sweet little Buttercup. She was so beautiful.
Buttercup (4-8-12 to 12-8-12)