Wednesday, January 30, 2013

First Milking

Thank goodness for all the YouTube milking videos!  I would be lost without them!  We let the goats get used to their new home for a few days before separating the babies at night to milk in the morning.  We didn't have a stanchion built yet so it was a little bit difficult with one of us having to keep her still while the other tried to milk. It didn't make it any easier that the babies were crying for their mama, but we did it!

Donyea's first time milking!

Our first raw goats milk!  We got about half a pint...good enough for the first attempt!  We didn't milk her all the way down because I wanted the babies to have plenty too.  We brought it in the house to strain and get chilled right away.  Everyone was leery to taste it (Tay still refuses) but whad'ya know it's delicious. :)

Here we are on the second day of milking.  Tay finished the stanchion the night before.  It sure makes all the difference! She was such a good girl hopping right up and standing the whole time.  This time we got more than a pint. 
Kegan did his first milking today and was pretty excited about it.  :)

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